Rhody Style: Buzzer Beater Blackfish
A move to deeper water will put you on those legendary December tog
A move to deeper water will put you on those legendary December tog
Nine days on the Sound and 22 in the Bight will give you enough time for a game winner.
Finding tog hotspots and advanced hook-setting techniques.
When other anglers with meat gear struggle, finesse anglers usually flourish.
It’s not always how to catch blackfish, but how are the blackfish.
If you’re looking for a personal best beast, now’s the time!
Exploring the best, most readily available crabs to use for tautog fishing.
As of August 1, New Jersey anglers can target and keep one tautog.
After a March break, New Jersey anglers are back in blackfish in April.
Consider it to be an adventure—new grounds, new sights, new ideas.
The Rhody spring blackfish season is overlooked, but it shouldn’t be.
Start strategizing now for the reopening of Jersey tautog on April 1.
Sooner or later, you’ll get tired of fishing the same overworked bottom spots.