Freshwater Archives - Page 10 of 10 - The Fisherman


Late Winter Walleye

Late Winter Walleye

Easily the best tasting freshwater fi sh you’ll fi nd, walleye action heats up this month along the Delaware River.

Hunting Spring Largies Dressed

Hunting Spring Largies

As winter gives way to spring, largemouth bass begin to move shallow and they are eager to feed.

The Miracle Of Shad 1

The Miracle of Shad

March is a good time to break out the light tackle outfit or fly gear for the return of a revolutionary classic.

2017 2 Winter Action Ice Man

Winter Action: Down in a Hole

Fishing doesn’t stop during the winter for those who walk on water. Knowing where to set your holes is the key to a successful outing.

2017 1 Winter Water Wolves

Winter Water Wolves

Winter is a great time to target large New England pike and here are some tips to make your time on the ice more productive.

2017 1 Ice Jigging Trout

Ice Jigging Fun

Long winters without fishing can give you the shakes. Why not combat the ailment with a little catching?