Talkin’ Tackle Archives - The Fisherman

Talkin’ Tackle

soft plastic

Tackle Tip: Zip It Up!

A case can easily be made for the lowly zip-tie as being the unsung hero of the well-prepared angler’s kit here are some examples of its many uses.

Keeping Comfortable TACKLE TIP

Tackle Tip: Keeping Comfortable

Migraines, mal de mer, sore feet and cold coffee are sure ways to ruin any fishing trip; here’s a trio of tips to combat them all.

The completed assembly.

Easy Roof Rack

Easy to make and transferable from one vehicle to another, this rack is a simple answer to transporting those 10- and 11-foot surf rods.

Keeping A Log

It’s never too late to start your own fishing log for future success.

the lure provides additional protection to a mono or fluorocarbon leader

Tricks for Blues

Bluefish can be just as fussy as stripers when they want to be. These tips help make them more cooperative.