Summer Slide? No Such Thing! - The Fisherman

Summer Slide? No Such Thing!

If the results of our readers are any kind of a barometer, July showed no evidence of a summer slide. Striper action was red hot from Bar Harbor to Block Island and it didn’t seem to matter if you fished from shore, boat or kayak, the fish were biting! We also saw some much better fluke action, solid summer largemouth fishing and the sea bass action has been off the hook, especially in western Buzzards Bay. If you would like to see your photos featured here, send an email to with all the pertinent details, including the name of the angler and where the fish was caught.

Jim Smith made a trip with his buddy Larry LaForce in Boston Harbor where they did a job on the stripers using Larry’s homemade flutter spoons.
Evelyn Sullivan landed this tanker largemouth on a Senko during a family trip to Cape Cod over the Fourth of July holiday.
Sumin Chou took a trip aboard the Black Hawk as part of one of their Boy Scouts trips and caught a pile of porgies.
Miguel Gonzalez had a blast with the J&B crew fishing for bass and blues out in the Race.
Scott Saunders is another happy customer of JB Charters running out of Niantic, CT.
Peter Blasi with a nice slot striper framed by a beautiful sunrise… tough to beat that!
Joseph Tkacz caught and released this 36-inch striped bass on a live eel from a dock in Westbrook, CT.
Laura Maloney caught this monster 48-inch striper from New Hampshire’s Hampton Beach at the beginning of July.
Steve Coser of Westport, MA with one of the many solid sea bass they landed on a trip out of Westport Harbor aboard Little Sister Charters.
Here’s Lori, yet another happy customer fishing aboard the Black Hawk running out of Niantic, CT.


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