August 2017 Archives - The Fisherman

August 2017

2017 8 Light Tackling Big Water Stripers Mouth

Light Tackling Big Water Stripers

Light tackle can be equally as effective in the deep and turbulent waters of the Striper Coast as it is in the more placid waters of our bays and sounds.

2017 8 Chapel Hill Channel

Chapel Hill Channel

Raritan Bay holds plenty of hot spots for the August run of doormats, but one that falls a little under the radar is the Chapel Hill Channel.

2017 8 Deep Drop Bottom Fishing Tilefish

Deep Drop Bottom Fishing

Veteran angler/author grabs a spot along the rail for a “golden” opportunity for scoring the best tasting fish offshore.

Razing Pyramids

In June, U.S. Secretary of Interior Ryan Zinke did a four-day trip across the Northeast while announcing $1.1 billion in annual funding for state wildlife agencies from revenues generated by the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration acts.

2017 8 Block Island Wind Farm

The Block Island Wind Farm

Love it or hate it, the horizon off the southeast corner of Block Island is now dotted with a string of wind farm turbines.

Just My Luck

I have never been a fan of fancy new vehicles to be used when fishing, so due to this I have an older truck as my primary mode of transportation.