Speed Demons: Tossing Tins for Albies and Bones
Everything you need to know to catch false albacore and green bonito on metals this season.
Everything you need to know to catch false albacore and green bonito on metals this season.
Repowering provides the comfort that having new engines provides, but it is also an opportunity to take advantage of the latest outboard technology.
If you’re looking for an alternative to trolling for bigeyes at night, drifting can be a very productive and sometimes safer alternative on crowded offshore grounds.
With its mild taste, wide ranging abundance and an insatiable appetite, the sea robin is quietly gaining in popularity.
Light tackle can be equally as effective in the deep and turbulent waters of the Striper Coast as it is in the more placid waters of our bays and sounds.
Raritan Bay holds plenty of hot spots for the August run of doormats, but one that falls a little under the radar is the Chapel Hill Channel.
Young of the year bunker make their run towards the coast this month, and trophy fluke (and you) should be there.
Giving thought to where fluke feed might just give you pause to how you approach your next drop.
A New Jersey native and national tournament pro gives insight to upping your local crappie score in numbers and size.
Veteran angler/author grabs a spot along the rail for a “golden” opportunity for scoring the best tasting fish offshore.
In June, U.S. Secretary of Interior Ryan Zinke did a four-day trip across the Northeast while announcing $1.1 billion in annual funding for state wildlife agencies from revenues generated by the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration acts.
Love it or hate it, the horizon off the southeast corner of Block Island is now dotted with a string of wind farm turbines.
A simple fly that mimics one of the largemouth bass’s favorite snacks.
An outline to live-lining Atlantic menhaden for trophy stripers in the northeast
In fishing, as in life, women make just as good if not better surfcasters than men.
I have never been a fan of fancy new vehicles to be used when fishing, so due to this I have an older truck as my primary mode of transportation.