February 2017 Archives - The Fisherman

February 2017

2017 2 Collins Cove

Collins Cove

Rolling the dice on ice is chancy for sure when contemplating hardwater ventures in South Jersey; doubly so if said swim is influenced by the lunar-driven rise and fall of the tidewaters below the Trenton-to-Point Pleasant demarcation.

2017 2 Offshore Pork Choppin Clams

Offshore Pork Choppin’

While cod and blackfish still take center stage, it’s hard to ignore those dinner-plate sized bait stealers filling some rail-hugger coolers.

7 Sensible Surf Suggestions Marks

7 Sensible Surf Suggestions

A few simple surfcasting tasks for the month of February to get you ready for the spring arrival of bass and blues.

2017 2 Nebraska Shoal Ri

Nebraska Shoal, RI

Located roughly mid-way between Point Judith and Charlestown Breachway off the south shore of Rhode Island, this expansive area and its surrounding bumps and humps are quite popular with local bottom fishermen.

Tying a Deceiver

Whether used as a fl y on its own or teaser ahead of a plug, this basic pattern will serve you well.

2017 2 Winter Projects

Winter Projects

Without really intending to do so, this month’s issue came together with a bit of a theme to it—in the local section anyway.

2017 2 Whale Tale

A Whale of a Tale

Having successfully chased marauding pods of ravenous bass till sunset the day before, it made total sense for us to…

2017 2 Linda Wreck

The Linda Wreck

A chunk of bottom that remains a mystery lying 20 miles out of Fire Island Inlet has become known as the Linda wreck (N 40.22.524/W 073.00325) which sits on a clean piece of sandy bottom, situated upright in 135 to 140 feet of water.

2017 2 Reelin Fast Lane

Reelin’ in the Fast Lane

Your favorite tackle shops are re-stocking their displays with the latest tackle and if you’re looking to add a new reel to your arsenal this is the prime time to check them out.

2017 2 Tackle Tip

Spooling Backing and Braid

For the purpose of this column, let’s say I have two Penn Clash 4000s (substitute your own reels) that take 200 yards of 30-pound braid.