June 2020 Archives - Page 2 of 6 - The Fisherman

June 2020

It’s usually just a couple of bucks to get into the daily boat pool

Inshore: Hop on the Bus

I have a few friends who simply refuse to fish on a headboat; they say there’s too many people, no…

Editor’s Log: In Memory of Blair Moger

Somewhere over the course of our lifetimes, we all have someone who influences our life’s path. Family members, friends, teachers, fellow workers and sometimes even strangers.

June Tournament Rundown

The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has led to so many event cancellations in 2020 that The Fisherman’s editorial staff has had…

Editor’s Log: Michael & Me

The new Michael Moore documentary, Planet of the Humans, was pulled from YouTube over the Memorial Day weekend due to an alleged “copyright claim by a third party.” 


Bald Eagle Numbers Soar in 2020

It’s nesting season for bald eagles, and the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) is pleased to announce it…