March 2019 Archives - Page 2 of 3 - The Fisherman

March 2019

2019 3 Tin Can Grounds

Tin Can Grounds

40.51.367 / 73.93.700 On January 3, 1944 the Bristle Class destroyer the USS Turner met its fate as a series…

2019 3 How To Plug Storage Rack Rack7

How-to: Plug Storage Rack

This easy, do-it-yourself winter project will provide you with a neat and efficient way to organize all those plugs that you can’t resist adding to your arsenal.

2019 3 Publishers Letter Montuak Mik E Surf

Announcing The Northeast Striped Bass Study

Gray FishTag Research, Navionics and The Fisherman Magazine are developing a satellite tagging study for striped bass with a forward looking objective to pioneer a new level of understanding about striped bass.