When it comes to striper fishing, prospecting pays off, and there’s no better way to cover a lot of ground to locate actively feeding fish than trolling. As schools of stripers begin their southbound migration along the Striper Coast, savvy anglers work a range of water depths until they locate the migrating schools of fish. Plugs like the CD 25 and 30 allow you to get down where most of the fish are without using cumbersome wire and the heavy outfits often associated with wire line trolling. Trolling bunker spoons on wire is certainly an effective technique, but it is not every striper angler’s cup of tea. Downriggers are another option when it comes to getting your lures down into the strike zone. It allows you to fish lighter tackle, but outfitting your boat with the necessary equipment can be costly.

Trolling deep diving swimming plugs provides all the benefits of these other techniques but is less costly and a much more enjoyable way to fish. Trolling the Bomber CD plugs on fine diameter, water resistant braided lines will ensure that you reach the desired depths and then allow you to fight the fish in a sporting manner on relatively light tackle. Despite all of the advantages of braid, some anglers still opt for mono, and these lures will still work deep with monofilament.

Although still relatively new, Bomber CD lures have already become a standard tool for those who pursue stripers on the troll and have been responsible for some notable catches from Massachusetts to Virginia.

The large surface area of the lure’s lip ensures they get down deep into the water column. And, although the CD 30 implies it will effectively reach 30 feet, it can actually probe much deeper depths depending on trolling speed and whether you are trolling with or against the current. According to the folks at Bomber, the CD 30 when trolled at 4 knots (considered relatively fast for stripers) on 50-pound braid 100 feet behind the boat will achieve close to 50 feet. With 200 feet of line out, the plug can reach down to 60 feet. Throttling back on your trolling speed will cause the plug to swim shallower. If you knock your speed down to 2 knots, expect the plug to be working at 25 feet on 100 feet of line.

Adjusting the speed of your boat and the amount of line being paid out allows you to cover a wide range of the water column. Once you find the strike zone, you are able to consistently deliver the lures to the proper depth. Once there, you can count on the Bomber CDs to swim true. Fish attracting rattles and a high quality finish add to their fish appeal. Several color patterns have proven especially effective on stripers including baby striper, blue mullet, red and white, and purple crush.

These lures will stand up to plenty of abuse, including numerous encounters with alligator bluefish, thanks to their ultra-high-modulus puncture resistant body and through-wire skeletal structure that links all the lure’s vital components. Super heavy-duty, saltwater grade hooks and hardware add to the CD’s durability. The CD 30 measures 8 inches in length and weighs 4 ounces. It is fitted with 5/0 hooks. The CD 25 measures 6 inches in length and weighs 2 ounces and is armed with 4/0 hooks.

It may take a little more effort to zero in migrating striper schools this fall so being able to cover a lot of ground should help tilt the odds in your favor. The new Bomber CD 30 and 25 are the perfect tools to complement your trolling efforts. For more information go to the website.


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