Fishing rules and regulations seem to change with the tide these days, and they can vary greatly from state to state. That’s why The Fisherman posts the current size and bag limits, seasons and licensing information covering all your favorite local species. Before heading out, check here for a state-by-state breakdown of current restrictions to ensure you’ll be in compliance no matter how, when or where you fish.
BLACK SEA BASS: May 18 – June 23 and July 8 to November 28, 5-fish bag limit, 16-inch minimum (Sea bass fishing is closed June 24 to July 7).
BLACKFISH/TAUTOG: April 1 – April 30, July 1 – August 31, 2-fish bag limit. October 10 to November 28, inclusive, 3-fish bag limit. 16-inch minimum length.
BLUEFISH: No closed season or size limit; 3-fish bag limit (including ‘snappers’) private boat/shore-bound; 5-fish bag limit onboard for-hire boats.
May 1 to August 1, 3 fish bag limit, 19-inch minimum size
August 2 to October 15, 3-fish bag limit, 19.5-inch minimum size.
Enhanced opportunity shore sites; minimum size 17 inches
Private Vessel: May 1 through December 31, 30-fish bag limit, 11-inch minimum size.
Shore: May 1 through December 31, 30-fish bag limit, 9.5-inch minimum size
For-Hire Bonus: September 1 – October 31, 40-fish bag limit, 11-inch minimum size.
STRIPED BASS: No closed season, 1 fish, 28 to less than 31 inches.
WEAKFISH: No closed season, 1-fish bag limit, 16-inch minimum.
WHITE PERCH: No closed season, 30-fish bag limit, 7-inch minimum.
WINTER FLOUNDER: April 1 – December 31, 2-fish bag limit, 12-inch minimum.
Black Sea Bass: 13 inches, open 5/15-9/30, and 10/10-12/31 (15 fish).
Bluefish: No minimum size, 3/angler private, 5/angler aboard for-hire trips (including ‘snappers’). No closed season.
Croaker: 8″ minimum size, no creel limit, no closed season.
Red Drum: 20-27″ slot size, 5/angler, no closed season.
Scup (Porgy): 9″ minimum size, 30/angler, no closed season.
Spanish Mackerel: 14″ minimum size, 10/angler, no closed season.
Spotted Seatrout: 12″ minimum size, No creel limit, no closed season.
Striped Bass: One fish, 28 to 31 inches, except in Delaware Bay, River and its tributaries from 7/1-8/31 during which time angler limit is one fish from 20 to 24 inches during ‘summer slot’ season. No harvest permitted from spawning grounds from 4/1-5/31.
Summer Flounder: 16″ minimum size, 4/angler from January 1 through May 31, with the size limit increasing to 17.5 inches from June 1 through December 31.
Tautog: 16-inch minimum, 4 fish from 1/1-5/15 & 7/1-12/31.
Weakfish: 13″ minimum size, 1/angler, no closed season.
Black Sea Bass: May 15-Dec.31 12.5 inches 15 fish.
Bluefish: 8″ minimum size, 10/angler (including ‘snappers’); no closed season.
Croaker: 9″ minimum size, limit 25/angler, no closed season.
Herring: Moratorium.
Red Drum: 18″ – 27″ slot limit, 1/angler, no closed season.
Spanish Mackerel: 14″ minimum size, 15/angler, no closed season.
Striped Bass: The Maryland DNR has varied tidal and nontidal regulations for striped bass, from the Chesapeake on our to nearshore ocean waters; for complete rundown go to
Summer Flounder: 16″ minimum size, 4/angler from January 1 through May 31, with the size limit increasing to 17.5 inches from June 1 through December 31.
Tautog: January 1–May 15, 4 fish/person/day; July 1–October 31, 2 fish/person/day; and November 1–December 31, 4 fish/person/day.
Weakfish: 13″ minimum size, 1/angler, no closed season.
White Perch: No minimum size, no creel limit, no closed season.
Yellow Perch: 9″ minimum size, 10 per day per person, no closed season.
BLACK SEA BASS: May 20 – September 7, 4-fish bag limit, 16.5-inch minimum.
BLACKFISH/TAUTOG: April 1 – May 31, 3-fish bag limit; June 1 – July 31, 1-fish bag limit; August 1 – October 14, 3-fish bag limit; October 15 – December 31, 5-fish bag limit; 16-inch minimum length.
BLUEFISH: No closed season or size limit; 3-fish bag limit (including ‘snappers’) private boat/shore-bound; 5-fish bag limit onboard for-hire boats.
NORTH OF CAPE COD: Private Angler: No Spring Season, September 1 – October 31, 1-fish bag limit, 22-inch minimum.
SOUTH OF CAPE COD: Open September 1 through May 31, 5 fish per angler, per day with a 23-inch minimum size. Cod fishing is closed June 1 to August 31.
FLUKE: May 21 – September 29, 5-fish bag limit, 16.5-inch minimum.
NORTH OF CAPE COD: April 1- February 28, 15-fish fish bag limit, 18-inch minimum.
SOUTH OF CAPE COD: No closed season, no bag limit, 18-inch minimum.
POLLOCK: No closed season, bag limit or minimum size.
Private vessel: May 1 to December 31, 30-fish bag limit, 10.5-inch minimum size.
Shore: May 1 to December 31, 30 fish bag limit, 9.5-inch minimum size.
For-Hire Bonus: May 1 – June 30, 40-fish bag limit, 10.5-inch minimum.
STRIPED BASS: No closed season, 1 fish, 28 to less than 31 inches. Circle hook required when fishing with natural bait (all waters).
WEAKFISH: No closed season, 1-fish bag limit, 16-inch minimum.
WHITE PERCH: No closed season, 25-fish bag limit, 8-inch minimum.
NORTH OF CAPE COD: No closed season, 8-fish bag limit, 12-inch minimum.
SOUTH & EAST OF CAPE COD: March 1 – December 31, 2-fish bag limit, 12-inch minimum.
New Jersey
Black Drum: 16″ minimum size, 3/angler, no closed season.
Black Sea Bass: 12.5-inch minimum size, open 5/17-6/19 (10 fish bag), 7/1-8/31 (1 fish bag), 10/1-10/31 (10 fish bag), and 11/1-12/31 (15 fish bag).
Blue Crab: 3″ minimum size for peeler/shedder 3-1/2″ for for soft shell 4-1/2″ hard shell Limit one bushel.
Bluefish: No minimum size, 3/angler private, 5/angler aboard for-hire trips (including ‘snappers’). No closed season.
Cobia: 37″ minimum size, 1/angler, 1/per vessel. No closed season.
Cod: Five fish bag, 23-inch minimum, open 1/1 to 5/31 and 9/1 to 12/31.
Haddock: 18″ minimum size, no creel limit, no closed season.
King Mackerel: 23″ minimum size, 3/angler, no closed season.
Pollock: 19″ minimum size, no creel limit, no closed season.
Porgy: 10-inch minimum, 30 fish, open season from 1/1 to 6/30, and 9/1 to 12/31.
Red Drum: 18″-27″ slot size, 1/angler, no closed season.
Spanish Mackerel: 14″ minimum size, 10/angler, no closed season.
Striped Bass: One fish from 28 inches to 31 inches. No closed season 0-3 miles from shore; Delaware River from Trenton to Salem River open 3/1-3/31 and from 6/1-12/31; all other marine waters open 3/1-12/31. Circle hook required when fishing natural bait. For Striped Bass Bonus Program go to
Summer Flounder: Open 5/4 to 9/25 with an 18-inch minimum size and three fish bag. Special NJ management zone regs include 17-inch minimum and three fish bag west of COLREGS on Delaware Bay; 16-inch minimum and two per angler at IBSP.
Tautog: 15″ minimum size, January 1 – February 28 (4 fish), April 1 – April 30 (4 fish), Aug 1 – Nov. 15 (1 fish) and November 16- December 31 (5 fish).
Weakfish: 13″ minimum size, 1/angler, no closed season.
Winter Flounder: 12″ minimum size, 2/angler, Mar. 1- Dec 31.
New York
American Shad: Moratorium.
Atlantic Sturgeon: Moratorium.
Black Sea Bass: 16.5″ minimum size; 3/angler, June 23 – Aug 31; 6/angler, Sept 1 – Dec 31.
Blue Crab: Minimum shell width (spike to spike tip) 4.5″ hard shell, 3-1/2″ soft shell, 3″ peeler/shedder, 50 creel limit, no closed season; All other crab species: no minimum size, 50 creel limit, no closed season.
Bluefish: No minimum size, 3 fish bag limit for recreational / 5 fish for anglers on for-hire boats, no closed season (including ‘snappers’).
Cod: 23″ minimum size, 5/angler, September 1 – May 31
Fluke (Summer Flounder): 3/angler
19 ” minimum size, May 4 – August 1
19.5″ minimum size, August 2 – October 15
Haddock: 18″ minimum size, no creel limit, no closed season.
Hickory Shad: No minimum size, 5/angler, no closed season.
Monkfish (goosefish): 17″ minimum size(11″ tail length,) no creel limit, no closed season.
Oyster Toadfish: 10″ minimum size, 3/angler, no closed season.
Pollock: 19″ minimum size, no creel limit, no closed season.
Porgy (Scup): 11″ minimum size for vessel-based anglers and 9.5″ for shore anglers, open May 1 – December 31, 30/recreation angler, charter and open boat bag limit expands to 40/angler from September 1 – October 31.
Red Drum: No minimum size, 27″ maximum size, no creel limit, no closed season.
Spanish Mackerel: 14″ minimum size, 15/angler, no closed season.
Striped Bass: Marine: 28 to 31 inch slot, 1 fish per person, April 15 – December 15.
Hudson River north of George Washington Bridge: 1 fish per person 23 to 28 inches, April 1 – November 30.
Tautog (Blackfish): 16″ minimum size.
LI Sound: April 1-30, 2 fish / October 11 – December 9, 3 fish.
NY Bight: April 1-30, 2 fish / October 15 – December 22, 4 fish.
Weakfish:16″ minimum size (10″ filleted/12″ dressed,) 1/angler, no closed season.
Winter Flounder: 12″ minimum size, 2/angler, April 1 – May 30.
Yellowtail Flounder: 13″ minimum size, no creel limit, no closed season.
Rhode Island
BLACK SEA BASS: May 22 – August 26, 2-fish bag limit, 16.5-inch minimum. August 27 – December 31, 3-fish bag limit, 16.5-inch minimum size. Party/Charter: June 18 to August 31 2 fish bag limit, September 1 to December 31, 6-fish bag limit (16-inch minimum size)
BLACKFISH/TAUTOG: April 1 to May 31, 3 fish per person per day. June 1 to July 31 – blackfishing will be closed. August 1 through October 14, 3 fish per angler per day. October 15 through December 31, 5 fish per person, per day. Minimum size of 16 inches, only one fish per limit may be of 21 inches or greater and a 10 fish maximum per vessel during all open periods.
BLUEFISH: No closed season or size limit; 3-fish bag limit (including ‘snappers’) private boat/shore-bound; 5-fish bag limit onboard for-hire boats.
COD: Open January 1 through May 31, 5 fish per angler, per day with a minimum size of 23 inches. Cod fishing is closed June 1 to August 31 and reopens September 1 at 5 fish per angler, per day with a minimum size of 23 inches.
FLUKE: April 1 – December 31, 6-fish bag limit, 19-inch minimum.
POLLOCK: No closed season, no bag limit, 19-inch minimum.
Private Angler: May 1 to December 31, 30-fish bag limit, 10.5-inch minimum length.
Shore: May 1 to Decemeber 31, 30-fish bag limit, 9.5-inch minimum length.
STRIPED BASS: No closed season, 1 fish, 28 to less than 31 inches. Circle hook required when fishing with natural bait (all waters).
WEAKFISH: No closed season, 1-fish bag limit, 16-inch minimum.
WINTER FLOUNDER: March 1 – December 31, 2-fish bag limit, 12-inch minimum.