Winner of the WICC Greatest Bluefish Tournament on Earth - The Fisherman

Winner of the WICC Greatest Bluefish Tournament on Earth

Long Island CPA wins the top blue while fishing with his sons for ‘quality time’.

Scott Boehm, the unofficial winner of the WICC Greatest Bluefish Tournament on Earth, said he hasn’t fished for over 10 years, and chartered a fishing boat to go out with his sons because one of them is moving out of state in a couple of weeks.  He just wanted to spend quality time with them!  Boehm was shocked when Tournament Director Jill Dotlo contacted him for a pre-interview conversation prior to the 5pm deadline, telling him he was the top contender at that point!  Boehm told Dotlo,  “I’m a CPA, not someone who is in the limelight!  There were a lot of boats out there fishing where we were, with guys wearing bluefish t shirts, so I figured one of the professional fishermen would win”

Boehm originally wanted to charter a boat in Port Washington, but the captain of that boat said there were no blues running in that area, and he couldn’t in good conscience take Boehm as a customer.  Instead he suggested Captain Ron, who goes out around Orient Point. Baugh scheduled his charter with Captain Ron over a week ago, and they went out Saturday morning (8/29) from 6a to 11a.   Boehm made the decision to fish the tournament when it  popped up on his computer,  because it seemed like a fun activity to do with his sons. Pending a successful polygraph test, Boehm will be $25,000 richer.  When asked how he plans on spending the money, Boehm said he has an old mini van with over 160,000 miles and he thought he would replace it.“

Boehm’s sons told him they want to fish the tournament every year now!

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