The Atlantic City Boat Show opens on Wednesday, February 28 at 11 a.m. and runs through Sunday March 4 at the Atlantic City Convention Center. Show hours are Wednesday through Friday from 11 a.m. until 8 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Visit The Fisherman at either of our two locations on the show floor, booths 155 or 826 (near the seminar area).
Click here for your exclusive 20% Exhibitor Discount tickets courtesy of The Fisherman Magazine.
This year’s AC Boat Show includes over 28 different seminars presented by some of the best electronics professionals, fishermen and charter boat captains on the coast. The seminars are presented by The Fisherman and the Recreational Fishing Alliance (and are included with your admission.
12:00 p.m. The ‘AIS’ Advantage
Brian Favre (Martek Marine Electronics Specialists)
Automatic Identification System (AIS) is becoming more popular with for-hire and private fishing vessels. Learn how to use AIS to benefit your safety at sea and improve your fishing success rate.
1:00 p.m. Bunker Dunkin For Striped Bass
Jim Hutchinson , Jr. (The Fisherman Magazine)
The spring run of striped bass coincides with the return of bunker to New Jersey waters. These post-spawn fish begin filtering out of the spawning areas of head north up the coast following bunker. Using bunker in the spring can offer one of the best opportunities of the year to land a 40lb+ bass.
2:30 p.m. Fishery Management And The Political Process
Jim Donofrio (Recreational Fishing Alliance)
Most people go fishing to get away from less enjoyable issues like politics but make no mistake; politics has a very real impact on your ability to go fishing. Listen to Jim Donofrio give an update on political issues important fishermen, why it is important for anglers to be a part of the political process and what we can expect from the 115th Congress with regards to the reauthorization of the Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act.
4:00 pm Canyon Runner Offshore Fishing Seminar
12:00 pm Stripers In The Night: Tips For Making Your Night More Productive
Capt. Vinnie Calabro (Karen Ann Charters / Jamaica Bay, NY)
Some of the best striper fishing takes place when most people snoozing in their beds. Spend an hour with Capt. Vinnie as he offers up his best tips for hooking into a monster bass in the wee hours of the night.
1:30 p.m. Grass Shrimp For Weakies
Herbie Miller (Mister Lustre/ West Creek, NJ)
With weakfish making a strong showing the past few seasons in New Jersey, make it a point to drop in as Herbie gives a detailed overview on the essentials of using grass shrimp to target big weakies. He will cover when and where to collect grass shrimp, how to rig them and how to best present the bait. Brush up on this highly effective tactic so you are ready for the spring Tide Runners!
3:00 p.m. Deep Water Fluking
Ericka Johns (BASS PRO Shop/Atlantic City, NJ)
Some of the most productive fluke grounds can be found in deeper water which requires different tactics than those used in the skinny, inland waters. Ericka provides pro tips on how to up your fluke numbers when you make a run to deeper waters.
4:00pm Canyon Runner Offshore Fishing Seminar
1:00 p.m. Canyon Runner Offshore Fishing Seminar
Capt. Dan Schafer (Insomniac Guide Services LLC)
Captain Dan is an expert at targeting some of New Jersey’s more unusual seasonal residents such as sheepshead, spadefish and trigger fish in the shallow, back-bay waters of Stone Harbor, NJ. Listen to Capt Dan give some of his best tips on utilizing bottom sweeper rigs to target and land these hard fighting and delicious eating fish.
3:00 p.m. Canyon Runner Offshore Fishing Seminar
4:00 p.m. Bucktailing For Fluke
Capt. Brett Taylor (Reel Reaction Sportfishing / Barnegat Light, NJ)
The bucktail is arguably one of the most productive fishing lures ever invented but there are still new tricks to be learned with this time-tested lure. Capt. Brett offers his pro tips on getting the most from your bucktails and how to effectively fish them for big fluke in our bays, inlets, and ocean. He will also give some insight on how bucktails can be deadly fishing from a kayak by getting into areas that can only be accessed by these skinny water platforms.
5:00 pm Fine Tuning Mojos To Up Your Striper Game
Capt. Anthony Grassi (Fin Chaser Charters/ Staten Island, NY)
Trolling mojos has proven to be extremely effective for catching quality sized striped bass the past few years. Capt. Anthony offers his pro tips to make sure you are rigging, running and presenting your mojos in the best possible manner to increase your success.
6:00 pm Canyon Runner Offshore Fishing Seminar
11:00 a.m. Ghost Hunting-Pursuit Of Monster Tog
Frank Mihalic (Margate City, NJ)
Tog are pound for pound one of the hardest fighting fish in the mid-Atlantic and some of the biggest bruisers have been coming from our waters in recent years. They also happen to be excellent table fare. Frank offers his proven tips on hunting down and landing the biggest tog in our region. .
12:00 pm Canyon Runner Offshore Fishing Seminar
1:00 p.m. Deep Dropping For Jersey Swords
Capt. Mike Schmitt (Tackle Direct/Hooker Electronics)
With the swordfish stock continuing to be at very high levels of abundance throughout the mid-Atlantic region, there is no reason not to drop a few deep baits on your next offshore trip. Capt. Mike outlines the gear, rigging, and technique to use to target and land these gladiators of the deep.
2:00 pm Fluking With The Pros
Nick Honachefsky (The Fisherman Magazine)
Nick has fished with darn near every charter and party boat captain in the state of New Jersey and has learned nearly all of the top tricks of the trade. Advancements with trolling motors, electronics and apps have given anglers even more tools to find and hook up with keeper sized summer flounder. Sit with Nick as he offers his proven tips that will have you landing more fluke this season.
3:00 p.m. Canyon Runner Offshore Fishing Seminar
4:00 p.m. Jersey Wahoo-Kick Your Fishing Into High Gear
Capt. Darren Dorris (Salty Lady Sportfishing / Beach Haven, New Jersey)
South Jersey has excellent wahoo fishing and nothing is quite as exciting as hooking up with and boating one of these speed demons. Spend an hour with Capt. Darren as he runs through the best lures, trolling techniques and areas to find these toothy fish on Jersey’s lumps and canyons.
5:00 pm. Saltwater Underground – Television Premiere
Nick Honachefsky (DarkFall Productions/Tackle Direct)
“Saltwater Underground with Nick Honachefsky” is an online saltwater fishing production hosted exclusively by TackleDirect. The premiere is 13 minutes in duration. Synopsis: “Its November in New Jersey and the Fall run of Striped Bass is charging hard. Thoughts of hooking 20 to 50 pound Stripers dominate the minds of surfcasters and boat anglers alike. Saltwater journalist Nick Honachefsky has got the word that Stripers are blowing up off the coast, and he’s ready to join the party.”
6:00 pm Canyon Runner Offshore Fishing Seminar
11 a.m. South Jersey Wreck Fishing
Capt. Adam Nowalsky (Atlantic City, NJ)
Whether you’re looking for you own hidden snag or working the state’s artificial reef complex, get a pro’s point of view for putting more fish in the box, with special focus on blackfish (tautog) and black sea bass.
12:00 p.m. Canyon Runner Offshore Fishing Seminar
1:00 p.m. Trolling For Striped Bass
Capt. Scott Newhall (Time Out Charters / Absecon, NJ)
Trolling bunker spoons, mojos and divers has been around for years but this technique has been the go-to approach to produce big catches of striped bass the past few seasons. Capt. Scott offers detailed tips for making sure your rig, presentation and trolling pattern gives you the best results when the bass start to show up this spring.
2:00 p.m. Cape May Doormats
Capt. Harvey Yenkinson (Vetcraft Sportfishing / Cape May, NJ)
An AC Boatshow perennial favorite and well-known for his tournament success and magazine articles, Capt Harv is especially popular with charters for producing monster summer flounder catches – in other words, the ‘flukasaurus’! Capt. Harvey holds not secrets back as he discusses his proven tactics for landing 10lb+ fluke.
3:00 pm Canyon Runner Offshore Fishing Seminar
4:00 pm Weakfish: Inshore Tactics For Slammer Weakies
Jim Hutchinson , Jr. (The Fisherman Magazine)
Weakfish have made a strong showing the past few years in the New York/New Jersey region. After targeting big ‘tiderunners’ with plastics from April through June, outstanding action can be had by summer in quiet areas of Great Bay using the time-tested technique of live shrimp. With weakfish making a strong return in local waters, brush up on your weakie techniques.
Learn more at the Atlantic City Boat Show website.