Fishing is on the rebound, despite the many obstacles left by Hurricane Sandy and the nor’easter, Athena. Still, it must have been tough to be Norma and Ken Keller and Bob and Mike Bogan for the past few weeks.
The Keller’s own the Norma K III and Bob and his brother Mike own the Gambler, both party boats docked in Point Pleasant along Inlet Drive. The road was a mess and it has remained closed leaving these two historic vessels tied to the dock watching competitors from across the canal sail on schedule. Luckily, Point Pleasant Beach authorities have finally allowed traffic to enter Inlet Drive the wrong way – off of Broadway – and now these businesses that support many families can get back to catching stripers, tog and ling.
Mark Palazollo who owns Alex’s Bait and Tackle isn’t as fortunate as his iconic shop right on the water on Inlet Drive remains inaccessible and will not open any time soon. I did talk to Mark and he has gotten some good news of late that has him hoping to reopen at this location or a similar spot in time for spring.
In Atlantic Highlands, the Municipal Harbor is abuzz with the sounds of saws and nail guns, but Capt. Hal Hagaman of the Sea Tiger II was still not able to sail. Luckily negotiations are under way to have a temporary walkway installed that would allow customers to access a few of the boats, including Hal’s. He is all set to start blackfishing on November 17, and not a day too soon.
%pullstart%The rebuilding process through this entire Hurricane ordeal hasn’t been easy, but it has certainly begun to draw those in the fishing industry closer together.%pullend%Down in Barnegat I also got favorable word from Capt. Charles Eble who said his vessel is ready to start sailing for striped bass after Long Beach Island was opened to the public on November 10. The same sentiment was echoed by the Capt. And crew of the Miss Barnegat Light who is also resuming daily trips for striped bass. The Carolynn Ann II was out fishing as I typed this and Margaret and Jingles Bait and Tackle was back open for bait and business.
The resiliency of the fishing industry is also evident down in Long Beach Island thanks to Valerie at Oceanside Bait and Tackle. Her store is unable to open for the rest of the season, but what did she do? She has arranged and coordinated relief efforts and the community is using her parking lot and grounds to collect all sorts of needed items for those who lost their homes. The rebuilding process through this entire Hurricane ordeal hasn’t been easy, but it has certainly begun to draw those in the fishing industry closer together.