From The Editor Archives - Page 41 of 41 - The Fisherman

From The Editor

Time Tides March On

Time & Tides March On

Just out of college and living alone in a one-room shack on LBI, it finally struck me just how tediously long February could feel (strange given the fewest actual days of any other month in the year).

What Say You?

Despite the misconception that I have an easy job and spend all my days fishing, there is a lot more that goes into putting out a weekly magazine than I had ever imagined when I took the helm of the New England edition of The Fisherman just over five years ago.

2017 2 Winter Projects

Winter Projects

Without really intending to do so, this month’s issue came together with a bit of a theme to it—in the local section anyway.

2017 2 Management Needed Blowfish

Management Needed for Blowfish

Blowfish, once the bane of inshore anglers intent on catching flounder and fluke appear to be well on their way to a comeback.

The Big Picture

“Six years of low recruitment.” That’s what NOAA Fisheries says about the summer flounder stock; six straight years of diminishing…

A New Year’s Resolution

Over the course of the past year, I’ve been bombarded by folks calling, complaining and asking what I’m going to do about a host of regulatory, access and enforcement issues.

What To Do?

January is a tough month for many New Englanders.


Monomania is defined as an obsessive zeal for, or interest in, a single thing, idea, or subject.