30th Annual Ladies’ Forked River Catch Of The Day Fishing Tournament - The Fisherman

30th Annual Ladies’ Forked River Catch Of The Day Fishing Tournament

The Women’s Club of the Forked River Tuna Club is pleased to announce their 30th annual Ladies’ Catch of the Day Tournament, sponsored by Dr. Kathy Banks. The tournament will be held Saturday, July 8 and is open to women and Mermaids, young ladies 12 years or under.

The entry fee for adults remains at $30 and Mermaids fish free! The adult categories are fluke and sea bass. Mermaids will fish for fluke and/or crabs. Mermaids must be chaperoned by an adult who is not required to be a registered angler. If you are interested in going on a head boat call Linda at 609-618-2925.

The angler’s meeting will be held Friday, July 7. Doors and kitchen open at 6:30 p.m. with registration running from 7-9 p.m. at the clubhouse located at 18 Bay Avenue in Forked River.

Fishing and crabbing begins on Saturday, July 8 from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.. All weigh-ins must be completed no later than 4 p.m. at the Tuna Club, with the awards picnic to follow at 5 p.m. The culmination of the days’ events will be when the winner is drawn for the $1,000worth of Shop Rite gift cards.

Proceeds from the event will benefit the Forked River Tuna Club’s scholarship fund and local conservation education programs.  For more information go to www.forkedrivertunaclub.com.