The Delaware Valley Surf Anglers Association will host the 39th Annual Karl J. Boehret Surf Fishing Tournament on Saturday, May 15 out of Sea Isle City. Registration is from 5:30 a.m. until 7 a.m. at 85th Street & Beach, with the first fishing position from 7 a.m. until 9:30 a.m., and the second fishing position from 10 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.
This event will be a team and individual tournament. Team (six anglers) registration is $60 and individual entry is $10. Beach buggy permits have been waived for the tournament. Only vehicles with four-wheel drive are permitted on the beach. Prevailing Association of Surf Angling Clubs (ASAC) tournament rules will be observed.
Tournament organizers remind competitors that COVID-19 restrictions apply, which means a 6-foot social distance, with masks to be worn if less than 6 feet. It is suggested that “gaiters” be worn. Awards will be mailed to winners or given out at Surf n’Land tourney May 22, with prizes for teams, individuals, women, and youth divisions, with a $10 calcutta for largest bluefish.
For more details on Saturday’s Karl J. Boehret Surf Fishing Tournament, contact Jane Jefferys with the Delaware Valley Surf Anglers Association at or 609-624-1427.