39th Annual Karl J. Boehret Surf Fishing Tournament - The Fisherman

39th Annual Karl J. Boehret Surf Fishing Tournament

The Delaware Valley Surf Anglers Association will host the 39th Annual Karl J. Boehret Surf Fishing Tournament on Saturday, May 15 out of Sea Isle City.  Registration is from 5:30 a.m. until 7 a.m. at 85th Street & Beach, with the first fishing position from 7 a.m. until 9:30 a.m., and the second fishing position from 10 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.

This event will be a team and individual tournament. Team (six anglers) registration is $60 and individual entry is $10.  Beach buggy permits have been waived for the tournament. Only vehicles with four-wheel drive are permitted on the beach. Prevailing Association of Surf Angling Clubs (ASAC) tournament rules will be observed.

Tournament organizers remind competitors that COVID-19 restrictions apply, which means a 6-foot social distance, with masks to be worn if less than 6 feet. It is suggested that “gaiters” be worn. Awards will be mailed to winners or given out at Surf n’Land tourney May 22, with prizes for teams, individuals, women, and youth divisions, with a $10 calcutta for largest bluefish.

For more details on Saturday’s Karl J. Boehret Surf Fishing Tournament, contact Jane Jefferys with the Delaware Valley Surf Anglers Association at jandjjefferys@comcast.net or 609-624-1427.



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