Biden Announces Temporary E15 Gas Sales To Curb Gas Prices - The Fisherman

Biden Announces Temporary E15 Gas Sales To Curb Gas Prices

The Biden Administration recently announced it will ease restrictions on year-round sales of high-ethanol gasoline in an effort to curtail rising gas prices across the country. First reported by the Wall Street Journal, the announcement will allow for gas with 15% ethanol (E15) to be sold between June 1 and September 15.

According to the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) E15 gasoline is prohibited by federal law for use in boat engines and voids many engine warranties. Typically E15 sales during summer months are prohibited, in part because of its contributions to air pollution, though the summer prohibition also reduces confusion during the summer boating season.

Ethanol in gasoline is a problem for boats due in part to phase-separation; when moisture is introduced to an on-board fuel tank because of variations in temperature, it binds with the ethanol and settles as sludge in the bottom of the tank.  Ethanol has also been known to be corrosive to metal fuel tanks and engine components.

Boaters are reminded to pay close attention at the pump this summer when filling gas tanks for onboard use.  For more details visit



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