MAFMC approved a 1% increase in New York’s black sea bass commercial allocation, bringing New York’s baseline share of the coastwide quota to 8%. In March 2021, New York appealed the original allocation changes, arguing that New York’s baseline quota should be increased, just as Connecticut’s baseline allocation was increased to adjust for the disparity between allocation and increased availability of black sea bass in Long Island Sound.
This action modifies the state-by-state commercial quota allocations that had been previously approved through the MAFMC’s Black Sea Bass Commercial State Allocation Amendment and ASMFC’s Addendum XXXIII to the Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Fishery Management Plan. The Council will forward its revised recommendations to NOAA Fisheries for final approval. Visit ASMFC’s website for a table containing the revised state allocations of the black sea bass commercial quota and the complete Summer 2021 Meeting Summary (PDF).