Boating United: Help Stop Harmful Vessel Speed Restriction Rule - The Fisherman

Boating United: Help Stop Harmful Vessel Speed Restriction Rule

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has proposed expanding its North Atlantic Right Whale Vessel Strike Reduction Rule to limit the speed of recreational boats 35 feet and greater to 10 knots (11 mph) in areas up to 90 miles offshore for a good portion of the year.  Such a rule would severely limit access along the Atlantic Ocean in the fall, winter and spring, putting lives at risk, as small boats cannot safely travel at these slow speeds in the open ocean.

According to the National Marine Manufacturers Association and the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas, NOAA’s rule was developed without any input from the recreational boating industry, which supports 812,000 jobs and 36,000 small businesses. Through their Boating United website, the groups say the proposed rule also ignores existing and emerging technologies that could be deployed to reduce vessel strike risk and save marine mammals.

So what can you do about it?  For starters, you can help pass the message along directly to members of Congress to write the Biden administration and urge them to withdraw this harmful rule. Instead of a blanket speed restriction, NOAA should be engaging in with our recreational fishing and boating industries on behalf of boaters and anglers, helping develop and implement balanced, technology-focused solutions to protect both marine life and the boating economy.

Sign the petition today.


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