Originally scheduled to be held in Riverhead, NY, the October 5-8 meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) will be held via webinar due to ongoing concerns about COVID-19 and public safety, the meeting will be held via webinar. To join the webinar meeting attendees are asked to copy the following URL into the Adobe Connect desktop application: mafmc.adobeconnect.com/june2020.
On the log in screen, type your first and last name, and click “Enter Room”. You will be connected to the Adobe Connect meeting. Council and Board members should enter “00-” (zero dash) before their first name when logging in (e.g. 00-John Doe). Audio connection instructions will pop up automatically when the webinar opens.
If you are a meeting participant or are planning to make a public comment, select the “Dial Out” option and enter your phone number to receive a call from the meeting. When you answer the phone, you will press 1 to enter the meeting room. If you are not planning to make public comments, join in “Listen Only” mode. For telephone only access, dial 800-832-0736 and enter room number 7833942# when prompted.
Topics of interest for saltwater anglers at the council’s fall meeting include (Tuesday, October 6) Executive Order 13921 on Promoting American Seafood Competitiveness and Economic Growth and Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management Updates, and a summer flounder recreational discard management strategy evaluation; (Wednesday, October 7) Bluefish Allocation and Rebuilding Amendment, and Recreational Reform Initiative; and (Thursday, October 8) various organizational reports from NOAA Fisheries.
For questions contact Mary Sabo at msabo@mafmc.org or 302-518-1143. To see the agenda and learn more about MAFMC go to MAFMC.org.
Also meeting via webinar this month is the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) which manages inshore fisheries out to 3 miles. Originally scheduled to be held in New Jersey, this year’s 79th annual meeting of the ASFMC will also be held online from October 19-20. For details go to ASMFC.org.