While time spent afield on New York’s waters enhances your physical and mental well-being, in light of the COVID-19 outbreak, we ask that you please act safely when fishing. If you arrive at an angler parking area that is congested, consider finding another area that is less crowded. When you’re on the water, please make sure there is ample room between you and your fellow anglers. Don’t share a boat unless it is large enough so that all persons aboard can always remain at a minimum distance of six feet apart. Providing ample distance helps to reduce the spread of colds, flu and COVID-19 and also contributes to an overall better angling experience. Good luck!
For those with licenses about to expire – please consider renewing your license online at www.dec.ny.gov/ or by calling 1-866-933-2257, as many retail and municipal license issuing agents are currently closed.