Delaware’s Christina River Boat Ramp Closed Temporarily For Repairs - The Fisherman

Delaware’s Christina River Boat Ramp Closed Temporarily For Repairs

The Churchmans Road boat ramp on the Christina River is temporarily closed due to repairs associated with a water main break, ramp owner Artesian Water informed the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) on October 16.  Artesian noted that repairs to the broken water main are expected to take six weeks, dependent on the weather.

The DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife cooperatively manages the Churchmans Road boat ramp and adjacent parking lot with Artesian for recreational activities. Anglers, boaters and waterfowl hunters who need to launch a boat in the area can alternatively use the Newport boat ramp on Thoms Way in Newport.

For more information regarding the Churchmans Road boat ramp closure, contact Artesian customer service at 302-453-6930.



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