Editor’s Log: Support For Schlichter - The Fisherman

Editor’s Log: Support For Schlichter

Tom Schlicter’s mid-Atlantic fisheries management council position is up for reappointment. He has served as the New York at-large mid Atlantic fisheries management Council representative for the past three years. Tom’s background is in fisheries management, environmental science, outdoor writer, including past editor, of The Fisherman Magazine. He has shown through actions that he deserves another term, and the following letter is a fitting endorsement of his accomplishments.

Dear Secretary Raimondo,

I am writing to express my full support of New York State’s Tom Schlichter for reappointment to his At-Large Seat on the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC).

I realize the competition for this position is tough, but I believe Mr. Schlichter possesses the knowledge, integrity, experience and special skill set needed to excel at this extremely important post. I also believe he has earned the right to reappointment due to his exceptional dedication and performance during his first term on the Council. As a current member of the Council, appointed to this seat by you, Mr. Schlichter is well-versed in the Council’s methods, procedures, terminology and actions. He is fully immersed in the fisheries management process, has attended every meeting during his tenure, and currently sits on six different committees including the all-important Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass Committee, Law Enforcement Committee, and the Ecosystem and Ocean Planning Committee (vice-chair). I firmly believe he puts in the work, tries his best, and does all he can to protect our marine resources while striving to achieve Council decisions that are fair, just and equitable to the many saltwater anglers, fishing industry businesses and stakeholders within the MAFMC area of coverage from North Carolina to New York State.

I have known Mr. Schlichter for many years and can tell you he is highly respected and has significant backing from recreational anglers, for-hire captains and the fishing tackle trade industry. Additionally, he has over 40 years of experience in the field and has worked with many of the angling communities that fall under the MAFMC umbrella. As a full-time outdoors writer, and feature writer for one of the country’s largest newspapers, Mr. Schlichter writes and speaks on national, regional, state and local levels for fishing magazines, fishing industry journals and websites. Approachable and responsive, he clearly understands the basics of fisheries management and fishing community needs and has covered the relevant fisheries of every state in the MAFMC and adjoining NEFMC and SAFMC folds. Just as important, he has a proven record of caring for our environment and fishery resources while also respecting the needs of various stakeholder groups – both recreational and commercial.

In short, Mr. Schlichter has a unique ability to smartly combine commerce and conservation. If reappointed to his MAFMC At-Large seat, I’m certain he’ll continue to provide fresh ideas and a sense of fairness – plus a willingness to work with others while striving to improve fisheries management outcomes and relations with all who share slices of our fishery resources pie. I hope you will seriously consider Mr. Schlichter’s outstanding qualifications during the selection process. In my opinion, he is the best candidate for the job.

John Mantione
NYFTTA Representative
New York Fishing Tackle Trade Association

If you would like to show your support for Tom in his upcoming appointment please send emails to [email protected] and CC [email protected].


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