Editor’s Log: The Fred Golofaro Memorial At Captree Overlook - The Fisherman

Editor’s Log: The Fred Golofaro Memorial At Captree Overlook

This award has been long overdue for someone of the caliber of Fred Golofaro, but I’m happy to announce that it has finally been unveiled at the Captree Overlook Pier, which overlooks the Robert Moses Bridge. Sometime last year, the FAB (Fishing Advisory Board), in collaboration with New York State Parks, brought up the subject of memorializing the late senior editor of The Fisherman Magazine, Fred Golofaro, who I also had the honor of working closely with before I took over his job as the Long Island/Metro managing editor.

Fisherman contributor and longtime FAB member Doc Muller had a leading role in the project and worked closely with Kara Hahn from State Parks, along with Fred’s wife, Donna Golofaro. The plaque itself lists some of his accolades, along with some of the things he was a part of and accomplished.

Part of The Fisherman team stand with the Fred Golofaro memorial plaque. From left to right; Matt Broderick, Shelly Ramunno, Donna Johnson, Mike Caruso, Joyce Caruso.

In attendance were members from The Fisherman Magazine Long Island team, several people who work with State Parks, and representatives from Long Island surf clubs and organizations. A small unveiling ceremony was conducted at the site of the plaque at the Overlook pier at Captree. A few that were close to Fred said some words about him. Chip Gorman from State Parks led off the speakers, followed by myself, then Mike Caruso from The Fisherman, and finished off with none other than Donna Golofaro.

When I was initially asked if I wanted to speak at the ceremony, without hesitation, I agreed. Of course, in the days leading up to something like that, you always have to think about what you’re going to say. By the morning of the ceremony, I had something set in my head that would portray how important Fred was to me, along with many others, and how deserving he was of such recognition. By way of fate or whatever you might call it, I had an ironic run-in during the hours before the event where a gentleman recognized me from the magazine and proceeded to tell me a story about how he had a run-in with Fred many years ago that resulted in Fred sending a big box of surf fishing plugs to his house. This single encounter is a story I’ve heard before but from so many different people who may have met him only once or a couple of times. The funny thing about Fred is how many people he left a lifelong impression on, from people he knew well to those whom he only met once and even those whom he had no contact with whatsoever. One thing I can say about Fred was that his generosity could not be matched by many, and the story I was told an hour before was a testament to that.

The inscription of the Fred Golofaro memorial plaque exemplifies part of who he was.

So of course instead of going one direction with my speech, I told this simple story which while simple, was an amazing example of why we are honoring this man for everything he has done for so many and the fishing community.

If you find yourself in the area, please feel free to pay the memorial a visit, think about your connection with Fred and of course wet a line right at the end of the pier in his honor.


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