Editor’s Log: Top 10 Boat Names - The Fisherman

Editor’s Log: Top 10 Boat Names

Truth be told, I’m a loyal Sea Tow guy who luckily hasn’t needed their service yet (knocking on the desk as we speak).  But it’s good to know you have a towing service should you need them.  Coke or Pepsi, Ford vs. Chevy, and yes, BoatUS and Sea Tow; honestly, I’d rather fight than switch (remember that one?), but I do enjoy the BoatUS annual listing of Top 10 Boat Names.

Compiled through the BoatUS online Boat Graphics service, the most requested boat names of 2021 actually tell us a lot about the year prior.  “It’s been a tumultuous year for Americans, and getting away from it all on a recreational boat has given many the respite they’ve needed,” BoatUS noted in their June 29 press release, noting “With lives upended, some recreational boat owners have chosen to reflect on the times when selecting a name for their boat.”  No surprise then at #2 below.

#10      Serenity – According to BoatUS this was the number one name for boats in 2020, and is most often found on “blow boats.”

#9        Freedom – The name first appeared in the BoatUS top 10 soon after 9/11, but remains a perennial favorite with boaters nationwide.

#8        Mojo – Would love to see a geographic breakdown of names; you have to wonder if the spring run of stripers in New Jersey played a part in this.

#7        Knot on Call – This one moved up two spots from 2020, perhaps as our front line heroes in the medical field found a nautical way to reduce stress in the past year.

#6        Island Time – Personally, I’m a big fan of boat names used in conjunction with a preposition like on (as in, “Sorry, I’ll be on The Road all day!”)

#5        Cool Change According to BoatUS, “cool change” is an Australian term that was also the basis of that sappy 70’s sailing song from the Little River Band.

#4        Shenanigans – Number 7 on last year’s list.  When I think of onboard shenanigans I can’t help but think of Gary Hart’s “monkey business” leading to a failed presidential run in 1987.

#3        Grace – Defined as “elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action,” it’s a name that just screams “please pass the Polaner All-Fruit.”

#2        Social Distancing – An obvious one, I have to think it was most popular with folks who took their first boating safety course in the past 12 months.  Welcome aboard folks!

#1        Andiamo.  Italian for “let’s go,” BoatUS said the name has made the list in the past, but never at number one.  Clearly folks were looking to go and get away from it all after COVID.

I asked my own lettering guy Moe (signsbymoe.com) if he saw any boat naming trends out of his Egg Harbor Township shop.   “It’s a tie, between Why Knot and Knot on Call,” Moe said.  There you go; so God bless our first responders, whether currently on call or knot!  Oh, and could you please pass the jelly?


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