Fish Free In New Jersey On October 19 - The Fisherman

Fish Free In New Jersey On October 19

No freshwater license or trout stamp?  No problem!   On Saturday, October 19, you don’t need one to fish in New Jersey public lakes, rivers, or streams because it’s Free Fishing Day in the Garden State.

Beginning in 2015, the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife (Division) has offered spring and fall Free Fishing Days where folks may fish on the New Jersey’s public waters without a license or trout stamp. All other regulations, including size and daily catch limits, remain in effect.

“New Jersey’s two Free Fishing Days are a no-risk investment for an introduction to freshwater fishing in the Garden State and the perfect time for families to enjoy two days of outdoor fun for free,” the Division states online, adding “Though youngsters under the age of 16 don’t need a license, these days provide a special benefit to adults who can join in the fun without having to purchase a license.”

To quote the 1948 film classic The Treasure of Sierra Madre, “we don’t need no stinking badges,” at least not when it comes to doing a little bit of largemouth bass, trout or pickerel fishing in New Jersey on October 19!   For details visit