Help Improve Communications About Recreational Fishing - The Fisherman

Help Improve Communications About Recreational Fishing

NOAA Fisheries is conducting the second phase of our social network analysis. This project will identify relationships, networks, channels, and information flow within the recreational fishing community. Your responses will help us do a better job of sharing important information about recreational fishing science and management with anglers like you. The data from the analysis will not be used for recreational fishing management decisions, and no personally identifiable information will be collected.

The voluntary phone or video interviews will focus on where anglers like you go for information about fishing and how you share that information with others. Interviewers will also ask about your attitudes, beliefs, and opinions on state, regional, and federal fisheries management agencies. A limited number of interviews are being conducted now.

NOAA Fisheries is working with ECS, a federal contractor, and researchers from the University of Miami, University of Florida, and Purdue University to administer the survey and analyze the results of the interviews.

To schedule an interview, call (305) 968-7136 or email



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