The High Hill Striper Club held its annual awards dinner on February 19, 2020 at LaPiazza in Merrick. Awards and trophies were given out recognizing the member’s achievements for 2019. This year Zach Zebrowski led the club with 1312 points. Nick Antonelli took second place with 1012 points followed by Donald Dicostanzo who tallied 736 points. Zach also took top honors with the greatest number of Inter-Club points at 525, followed by Lloyd Kee and Al Albano with 363 and 246 respectively.
In December, elections were held and Joseph Mogavero was elected President, Al Albano Vice President, Andrew Kral Sr. Treasurer and Kris Magnotti was elected Secretary. At-large Board members were also elected as follows: Donald Dicostanzo, Rich Marchisotto, Edward J. Messina and Jerry Mosca.
Founded in 1952, High Hill has a long history of leadership in fighting for our marine resources, particularly for the conservation of striped bass. The club was in the forefront pushing for “Catch and Release” years before it became popular. The club is strictly for surfcasters. You can find out more information about the club at the web site: