Historic Shipwreck Avoidance On Stellwagen Bank - The Fisherman

Historic Shipwreck Avoidance On Stellwagen Bank

NOAA Fisheries, in conjunction with NOAA Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, requests that vessels avoid shipwreck sites on southern Stellwagen Bank within the Sanctuary by keeping gear 400 feet away from each of the site locations listed below.


Historic and modern shipwrecks to avoid in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
Vessel Name Status North Latitude West Longitude Depth
Unknown Historic 42o 11’ 07” -70o 12’ 03” 19 fathom
Unknown Historic 42o 11’ 52” -70o 11’ 01” 20 fathom
Unknown Historic 42o 13’ 50” -70o 09’ 05” 27 fathom
Unknown Historic 42° 23′ 42.1794” -70° 29′ 21.9114″ 48.5 fathom
Heroic Historic 42° 22′ 20.7798″ -70° 22′ 13.7604″ 16 fathom
Unknown Historic 42° 25′ 15.765″ -70° 28′ 10.4772″ 18 fathom
Unknown Historic 42° 26′ 21.1956″ -70° 24′ 44.3628 47.5 fathom
Unknown Historic 42° 21′ 32.2122″ -70° 23′ 45.132″ 46 fathom
North Star Modern 42° 23′ 2.004″ -70° 21′ 21.6966″ 16 fathom
Patriot Modern 42° 24′ 15.3606″ -70° 27′ 11.8182″ 16 fathom
Josephine Marie Modern 42o 10’ 55” -70o 13’ 28” 16 fathom


We recognize that fishermen want to avoid shipwrecks to ensure the safety of the crew and because of the risks of damaging their gear when the gear gets hung up on a wreck or other objects on the ocean floor. Hanging up on a wreck can also cause serious damage to shipwrecks that have historical significance.

More information can be found online at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/bulletin/historic-shipwreck-avoidance-stellwagen-bank?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery.



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