This is the final, 26th weekly edition of The Fisherman for 2020. Our December monthly issue will go to print next week, with a return of our weekly digital format in April of 2021. But don’t worry, the weekly fishing reports will continue to get posted every Monday at, with our weekly forecast video arriving in your email box every Thursday at noon. Sign-up for the newsletter here, today!
Remember that you’ll still receive the printed monthly editions on December 24 (January issue), January 28 (February issue), February 25 (March issue) and April 1 (April issue.) Keep an eye out for our December edition complete with the annual Holiday Gift Guide in newsstands and mailboxes on November 25, 2020. Along with those monthly print issues in the winter, be sure that you’re signed up for our biweekly email alerts which come out every week on Monday and Thursday. Speaking of the Thursday email alert, the video fishing forecasts continue right on through the winter months. While I am always looking for contributors to the videos, I am especially interested in the winter months as fishing options are reduced and I like to see what everyone is up to and how they fight off the shack nasties.
This year I had videos from Alan Sharaf, Dave Bogacz, Tim Moore and TJ Kopecky as well as reports and photos from Nick Kanaras, Lawrence Thompson, Tony Ranaudo, Mark Alimena, Jack Tibbens, Kyle Quine, Jackson Kolodziej, Scott Schneider, Jerry Audet, Chris and Nathan Wahl, Aiden Lapinski, Paul Rescigno, Peter Jenkins, Mike Benzinger, Danny Savage, Chris Sages, Clayton Patles, James Jewkes, Shawn Barham, Paul and Skylar Santa Barbara, Ron and Ryan Walczuk, Christian Olivia, Jackson and Thomas Biroscak, Jan Zwirko, Anthony Kouton, Jim Luce, Chris and Julian Parisi, and many others.
If you would like to be a part of the weekly fishing videos here at The Fisherman Magazine then I’d love to hear from you. To submit a video report all you need is a smartphone, and if you just want to shoot me written report and photo, you can do that, too. Please contact me today at and we can discuss it further. I am interested in freshwater, saltwater, ice fishing surf, inshore, offshore, party boat, private boat fishing or whatever you’re doing!