It’s as simple as a 5-gallon bucket, a hand drill with a 1/4-inch bit, and a piece of cord from an old clothes line. I’m talking a holding pen for killies during the summer months and a pen for green, Asian and white crabs for blackfish season. While I wouldn’t mingle the three types of crab in the same pen, if you or a buddy keep a boat floating from any dock or marina during the season, then at a cost of $6 for a quality pail and cover at Home Depot, you can cover all your bases with a pen for each species of crab. You can keep a half bushel per pail of green, Asian and white crabs separately, however if you’re going to pen hermit crabs, keep it at a 1/4 bushel as the hermies need room to crawl around. Remember, a well fed crab is a happy crab, therefore a rack of anything you fillet should keep them content for a week before handing out seconds.
Make Your Own Boot Remover
Slipping out of a pair of boot foot waders is not always as easy as it should be, especially if the boot foot is a little on the tight side.
Juice It Up!
Scents are a product that I firmly believe in, especially when employing the liquid on artificial lures for fluke and sea bass.