Long Island Photo Gallery - The Fisherman

Long Island Photo Gallery

The Fisherman’s Advertising Manager Angelo Donofrio with a gator blue caught in the Gut on a diamond jig.
Kate Hanley with one of many blues she and her husband Joe caught with poppers on Montauk’s North Bar.
Alexia Mastrocola holding a couple of porgies up to 2.5 pounds on her dad’s boat Fishaholic 2.
Patti with a keeper weakfish from the Western Sound.
Russ Tornabene with a 25-inch weakfish caught in the Great South Bay.
Kristen D’Aleo caught this blackfish off the rocks of Moriches Inlet using green crabs as bait.


Surf: Shorebound Fluke Finder

An A to Z rundown for catching fluke from the beach.


Offshore: $how Me The Mahi!

While not always a sure bet, fly fishing the hi-fliers can put you in the money. 


Inshore: Mono vs. Braid

The age-old saga continues!