Long Island Photo Gallery - The Fisherman

Long Island Photo Gallery

The Western Sound produced big for Mike Manzione back in May. Here is a 43-pound striped bass he caught and released while fishing an after dark tide.


Moacir Cunha took his Hobie kayak out in western Long Island Sound and landed his personal best striper. Using a kayak is a great was to access water you normally couldn’t from the shore.


Greg Russo with his 4-year-old son Charlie and his first-ever fluke weighing 4 pounds 10 ounces. The father-son duo made the memorable catch in western Shinnecock Bay and weighed it in at East End Bait and Tackle.


The bottom of the outgoing tide was the key to Matt McCartney catching blues like this from the surf. This one hit a blurple SP Minnow.


Luke Lowell-Liszanckie fished the Peconic Bay surf and caught one of the gems of the bay; a weakfish. His catch was a true tiderunner too, tipping the scales at 12 pounds at WeGo Bait and Tackle.


Brayden Panagia proudly shows off his bluefish catch from the Smith Point area. The fish was caught using an artificial lure.


On Memorial Day, Dominic Luzzi of Port Chester fished with father and uncle in western Long Island Sound and caught this fluke that weighed 9.75 pounds and measured 31 inches.


Reynolds Chanel surrendered this 5.37-pound fluke for Mike III. The fish went for a hi-lo rig tipped with squid and spearing.




Travel Log: Tampa, Florida Gems!

A snowbird from just east of the Big Apple tackles the Big Guava.


Big Bass Resolution: The Hunt For South Jersey Largemouth

Tips for hunting that lower Garden State personal best in 2025.


“BDV” Spotlight: Looking Under The Nautical Chart

High tech “spot burning” courtesy of NOAA’s Bathymetric Data Viewer.