Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Webinar - The Fisherman

Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Webinar

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) is holding its June meeting via webinar June 16-18. Due to public health concerns related to COVID-19, this webinar-based meeting replaces the in-person meeting previously scheduled to be held in Virginia Beach.

Topics to be discussed at this meeting include the black sea bass commercial allocation amendment, summer flounder, scup, and black sea bass commercial/recreational allocation amendment, and bluefish allocation and rebuilding amendment.  Also on the slate this week is a recreational reform initiative.

New Jersey anglers are reminded that the state’s black sea bass fishery runs through Monday June 22 with a 10 fish bag limit and 12-1/2-inch size; it’s set to reopen as a bycatch fishery for those fishing the wreck sites for fluke, two fish at 12-1/2 inches.  You can expect some type of conversation at the Council meeting this week about incorporating some type of flexibility season and bag based on the COVID-19 restrictions impacting angler access for the early start of the season.

Conversation can be expected; whether or not Council takes action is another subject. Briefing documents and webinar connection are posted at www.mafmc.org. For more information contact Mary Sabo at [email protected] or 302-518-1143.
