New Rules For Private Vessels Fishing For Tilefish - The Fisherman

New Rules For Private Vessels Fishing For Tilefish

NOAA Fisheries filed a rule last month requiring private recreational tilefish vessels in the Mid-Atlantic to get permits and file catch reports. These changes were approved in Amendment 6 to the Tilefish Fishery Management Plan, and will be effective August 17.  According to NOAA Fisheries, this action is being taken to better characterize and monitor the recreational fisheries for both blueline tilefish and golden tilefish. This new permit is required even if a vessel already holds a for-hire tilefish permit.

Private recreational tilefish anglers must also fill out and submit an electronic vessel trip report within 24 hours of returning to port for trips where tilefish were targeted and/or retained. Reports can be submitted through any NOAA Fisheries approved electronic reporting system. Read the final rule as filed in the Federal Register, and the permit holder bulletin on our website. Visit for details or call the Permit Office at 978-282-8438 for questions about the permitting process.
