NJ Fisheries Council Adds One New Member In First Meeting Of ‘25 - The Fisherman

NJ Fisheries Council Adds One New Member In First Meeting Of ‘25

In their first meeting of the year on January 9, 2025, the New Jersey Marine Fisheries Council (Council) welcomed its newest member, former Monmouth University professor John Tiedemann.  The scientist/surfer/surfcaster is a frequent contributor to The Fisherman and now fills the “public” seat left vacant with the departure of James Alexis in 2019.

Presently there is still one Council seat still vacant, a “sportfish” seat that’s been empty since Sergio Radossi stepped down in 2020.  Greg Hueth from the Big Mohawk out of Belmar was officially appointed by Governor Phil Murphy last summer to fill this seat, but the New Jersey Senate Judiciary Committee yet to officially confirm Hueth as they did with Tiedemann during a November 18, 2024 hearing.  Hueth is also one of New Jersey’s federally appointment members of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council.

In other Council housekeeping news, acting chairman Dick Herb of Cape May County officially stepped down as chair, with the Council voting to award the gavel to Pat Donnelly of Ocean County.  The chairman typically doesn’t vote on Council motions except to break a tie, which means that there are presently only two voting “sportfish” members on the Council, Capt. Herb and Capt. Bob Rush of Cape May County.

Other appointed members of the Council include retired Rutgers marine scientist Eleanor Bochenek in the other “public” seat, with captains Joe Rizzo, Kevin Wark and Jeff Kaelin rounding out the “commercial” seats, and Warren “Barney” Hollinger and Walter L. Johnson, III each representing one of the two “shellfish council” seats.

Created by the Marine Fisheries Management and Commercial Fisheries Act of 1979 (N.J.S.A.23:2B), the Council is a volunteer panel consisting of 11 members appointed by the governor with the consent of the Senate. The Council makeup is set by statute and is composed of four sportfish representatives, two active commercial fin fishermen, one active fish processor, two members of the general public, and the chairman of the each of the two sections of the Shellfisheries Council.

The Council’s next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 6 from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. at the Stafford Township Firehouse at 133 Stafford Avenue in Manahawkin.  For more information call 609-748-4344.



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