The New Jersey Marine Fisheries Council (Council) is slated to meet at 5 p.m. on January 7 at the Galloway Township Branch of the Atlantic County Library at 306 East Jimmie Leeds Road in Galloway, NJ, just east of Exit 41 off the Garden State Parkway. However, due to ongoing restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, those interested in attending the hearing should prepare to go virtual.
By statute, the Council should have 11 members made up of recreational and commercial fishermen, fish processors, the general public and the Atlantic Coast and Delaware Bay sections of the Shellfisheries Council; currently there are two open seats at the Council yet to be filled, one “at large” seat and the other a seat belong to the recreational fishing community following the 2020 departure of Sergio Radossi.
A volunteer group, the Council is responsible for advising the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) on various issues and management programs related to marine fishery resources. To confirm date and time of the January 7 meeting and for details on attending this week’s meeting online go to
For additional questions call the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife’s Marine Fisheries Administration at 609-292-7794. Be sure to register to fish the marine waters in New Jersey for 2021; an updated saltwater registration is required to fish coastal waters every year. Visit and to register for free!