NJBBA To Host Online “Beach Buggy” Clinic On April 10 - The Fisherman

NJBBA To Host Online “Beach Buggy” Clinic On April 10

What kind of gear do you need in your four-wheel drive in order to drive the beaches?  How low should you set your tire pressure?  And what happens in the event that your “buggy” gets stuck?

Answers to these questions and more can be found on Wednesday, April 10 starting at 7 p.m. when the New Jersey Beach Buggy Association (NJBBA) hosts an online Zoom clinic will cover beach driving basics for mobile surfcasters.

The NJBBA Beach Driving Clinic will cover a host of topics during Wednesday’s online clinic, including the following equipment that should be kept in your beach buggy.

  • Tire Pressure Gauge
  • A Standard First Aid Kit
  • Shovel
  • Snatch Rope
  • Jack and Large Support Board
  • Flash Light
  • Spare Tire or Equivalent
  • Self-Contained Toilet (where applicable)
  • Standard Fire Extinguisher
  • Road Flares
  • Trash bags
  • Tide Chart

Founded in 1954, NJBBA is a statewide organization dedicated to the preservation of natural beach resources. For the past 50 years, the NJBBA has fought to preserve beach access for all beach users. The 501(C)3 non-profit organization not only builds protective fences and plants dune grasses to protect beaches, but they also get involved with community leaders and other worthy organizations to keep beaches open for all types of uses.  Learn more at www.njbba.org.

To RSVP for Wednesday’s beach driving clinic on Zoom email Doug Taylor at fishtrek@comcast.net.



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