NOAA Fish Online Account Update For Federal Reporting - The Fisherman

NOAA Fish Online Account Update For Federal Reporting

Fishing operators of most Greater Atlantic Region Fisheries Office (GARFO) permitted commercial, for-hire, and private recreational tilefish vessels must submit a vessel trip report (VTR) for each fishing trip. If you are the operator of a federally permitted for-hire vessel with a permit for a species managed by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) or the operator of a federally-permitted private recreational tilefish vessel, you are required to submit an electronic Vessel Trip Report (eVTR).

VTRs are important because they provide data that informs fishery science and management decisions. GARFO Fish Online is a one-stop shop to submit eVTRs, check your landings data, and manage your federal permits. Visit NOAA’s website for instructions to set up a Fish Online account. For additional questions about federal vessel trip reporting, call (978) 281-9246.

NOAA recently published a final rule implementing electronic VTR requirements for most federally permitted commercial fisheries and New England For-Hire Vessels. This rule will require federally permitted vessels with reporting requirements to submit all vessel trip reports electronically, beginning November 10, 2021. Vessels issued a Mid-Atlantic Council for-hire permit have been required to submit vessel trip reports electronically since March 2018. This action is intended to increase data quality and timeliness of vessel trip reports.



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