Ørsted Removing Boulders In And Around Narragansett Bay Starting Aug. 31 - The Fisherman

Ørsted Removing Boulders In And Around Narragansett Bay Starting Aug. 31

Starting August 31, 2024, vessel SHELIA BORDELON will commence pre-lay grapnel runs (PLGR) and boulder relocation from 5nm SW of Sakonnet Point to south of Beavertail, RI. PLGR will continue into Narragansett Bay’s West Passage to the Jamestown Bridge after September 3rd.

Starting September 3rd –30th, barge JFB 4123 and tugs KODIAK and BUCKY will commence boulder clearing north of the Jamestown Bridge towards Quonset, passing east of Fox Island. The Barge will be “walked” into position with four anchors, marked by buoys, extending up to 3000-feet from the barge. Fishing vessels should be aware of anchors and cables.

The SHELIA BORDELON will conduct grapnel runs and boulder relocation surveys in Rhode Island waters.

Following this activity, the barge will return to conduct PLGR runs north of the bridge, with the tugs for propulsion. Lastly, in the second half of September, the barge will place tapered concrete mattresses over existing cables in Narragansett Bay to protect them from subsequent cable installation. Mariners should transit with extreme caution in this area, and avoid towing gear over the anchor cables.

Please contact scout/safety vessels Mr. Marco or JoAnn V or representatives below with questions or concerns.

Max Hall

Phone: 401-633-4522

Email: Maxwellhall1990@gmail.com

Priority locations: West Bay, East Bay, Point Judith

Rodney Avila

Phone: 508-889-0401

Email: rodney@ss-na.com

Priority locations: Point Judith, Newport

Claire Hodson

Phone: 857-260-1007

Email: CLAHO@orsted.com

John Mansolillo

Phone: 401-450-5467

Email:  JOMAN@orsted.com