The Peconic River Sportsman’s Club (PRSC) of Manorville New York is one of the oldest and most civic-minded sportsmen’s clubs in all of New York State. The club holds as a core value giving back to the Long island Community, specifically in the form of critical fund raising events for noteworthy causes. One such activity is the club’s fund rising event, “Taking a Shot at Cancer.” At the club’s recent Holiday Luncheon, checks amounting to $54,000.were presented to several Breast Cancer Charities: The Babylon Breast Cancer Coalition; Lucia’s Angels; and the North Fork Breast Health Coalition. Over the years, the club has raised and donated tens of thousands of dollars to many similar causes, and has donated close to $250,000 to cancer-related organizations. According to PRSC Vice president, Joe Hocker, “These organization are doing good work on Long Island, and we are pleased to be able to support them” Hocker and club Director, Ed Walden, co-chaired the “Taking a Shot at Cancer” fundraiser.
The Peconic River Sportsman’s Club is a Long Island, New York-based organization with a long and rich history of promoting the values and traditions of participating in the outdoor sports. They achieve this through a proactive philosophy of “preserving the past and enriching the future”. The Peconic River Sportsman’s Club enjoys a very active membership that not only benefits from the amenities that club membership offers, but also aggressively and continually gives back to the world of outdoor sports and local and regional communities at large. “Paying it forward,” is fundamental to the core of this organization and they do so in an exemplary fashion that sets a very high bar for community and civic responsibility.