Photo Gallery - The Fisherman

Photo Gallery

Subscriber Ilyes Khelaifi started off his season right with a 48-inch, 41-pound personal best striped bass that he caught from the surf from inside Jamaica Bay during the month of April.
After a 10-minute fight, Mike Nordberg landed this 12.8-pound monster brown trout from the Cannonsville Reservoir during early April.
Whose seen a stargazer this size before? Bruce Sucher shows with a gargantuan Northern Star Gazer, caught and released in Jamaica Bay last year that would have been record status if weighed in. Bruce also penned a number of articles for The Fisherman Magazine back in the 70s.
“They’re definitely getting bigger now,” is what Eddie Villatoro said about the early season striper bite inside Hempstead Harbor. He had great action most nights with fish up to 32 inches.
Cody Brown hit a Long Island freshwater lake for this late March spring carp that he caught and released after a quick snapshot.
You just saw the shot of Cody but you might wonder where he picked up his love for fishing from. Now here’s his dad, Rich Brown with a Long Island 2-year-old brown trout “stockie” that he caught during the month of March from his Hobie Outback kayak.


Photo Gallery: Summer Selections

June marches out like a lion, but summer variety has arrived!


Reader Gallery: A Bunch’a Regulars


Reader Gallery: Party Boat Fluking