When fishing in New York marine waters, keep in mind that the minimum size for black sea bass is 16-1/2 inches, with a three fish bag from June 23 until August 31, and a six fish bag limit starting September 1 and running through December 31.
The state of New York finalized their fluke regulations in early April, with a three fish bag limit and 19-inch minimum size from May 4 through August 1, at which point the size limit increases to 19-1/2 inches as of August 2 and running until October 15 (same three fish bag limit).
New York porgy anglers will enjoy a 9-1/2-inch size limit when fishing from shore along with a 30 fish bag limit from May 1 through December 31. For those targeting porgy/scup by boat in New York, it’s the same 30 fish possession limit but with an 11-inch size limit. From September 1 through October 31, patrons fishing aboard for-hire boats in New York will be able to retain 40 fish at the 11-inch minimum size limit.
To see regulations from Maine to Maryland find us online at www.thefisherman.com/marine-regulations.