Most Connecticut anglers are aware that the State stocks Atlantic salmon every fall and winter into four bodies of water; the Shetucket River, the Naugatuck River, Mt. Tom Pond and Crystal Lake. These fish range in size from an average of 2 to 5 pounds up to heavyweights in excess of 15 pounds! During the fall of 2023, Connecticut stocked 1,500 salmon between the listed bodies of water and we’ve seen many great catches throughout the late-fall and early winter.
The salmon regulations in Connecticut vary between bodies of water which can be confusing, so here’s a quick rundown of the regs posted on DEEP’s website.
For the Shetucket & Naugatuck Rivers:
- From September 1, 2023, through December 15, 2023, inclusive, angling will be restricted to catch-and-release only. The daily creel limit is zero and all Atlantic salmon shall be immediately returned, without avoidable injury, to the waters from which taken.
- (2) From December 16, 2023, through August 31, 2024, inclusive, the daily creel limit for Atlantic salmon is one.
- (3) During the open season, the legal method for taking Atlantic salmon in open areas of the Naugatuck River, Housatonic River, and Shetucket River is limited to angling using a single fly, or an artificial lure with a single free-swinging hook. Additional weight may not be added to the line. A bubble float attached to the line or leader to adjust buoyancy shall not be considered additional weight.
For Mt. Tom Pond:
- (1) From September 1, 2023, through February 29, 2024, inclusive, the daily creel limit for Atlantic salmon is one.
- (2) From March 1, 2024, to 6:00 AM on April 13, 2024, inclusive, angling for Atlantic salmon will be restricted to catch-and-release only. The daily creel limit is zero and all Atlantic salmon shall be immediately returned, without avoidable injury, to the water from which taken at Mount Tom Pond.
- (3) From 6:00 AM on April 13, 2024, through August 31, 2024, inclusive, the daily creel limit for Atlantic Salmon is one
For Crystal Lake:
- (1) From September 1, 2023, through August 31, 2024, inclusive, the daily creel limit for Atlantic salmon is one.
- (2) Anglers may use any hook and line angling method to target Atlantic salmon.