RFA Looks Forward To The Next 25 Years - The Fisherman

RFA Looks Forward To The Next 25 Years

You may have noticed some changes at the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA) in recent months. Executive Director, Jim Donofrio retired from the fight at the end of 2021 after steering the ship for 25 years from its beginning in 1996.  Meanwhile John DePersenaire, former RFA managing director, has been serving as interim executive director as the organization conducts a nationwide search to find the captain who will take the helm leading the RFA into its next 25 years.

In a press release earlier this year the RFA announced that the political action organization is re-doubling its efforts to protect your freedom to fish, revealing a new logo, and updated website, a makeover for their quarterly magazine Making Waves and free membership.

“Because we believe that we are stronger together, we’ve just made our membership free to everyone in our saltwater fishing community,” the release stated.

“For over 25 years, thanks to your donations, RFA’s full-time staff, and local volunteers have waged war in the political trenches, lobbying and educating policymakers to ensure that the interests of saltwater anglers, business owners, and marine resources are being heard,” the RFA said in its statement.

The 501C4 political action organization said it has hired a team of top lobbyists to move the agenda forward at the state and national levels with a half-dozen high profile policy priorities for 2022.

  • Minimize the effects of offshore wind farms on fish species & habitat
  • 3030 Initiative: Safeguard public access in the government’s effort to conserve 30% of U.S. lands and waters by 2030
  • Promote recreational fishing in Magnuson-Stevens Act Reauthorization
  • Fight for summer flounder, scup, black sea bass, red snapper and mahi allocation
  • Safeguard the availability of marlin to anglers in U.S. waters
  • Increase recreational representation on fishery management councils

For more information and to get your free membership to the RFA, go to joinrfa.org.
