Be sure to set aside some time this weekend to participate in the Town of Babylon’s Fall Surf Fishing Tournament. Co-sponsored by LIBBA and Paumanok Surfcasters,
Friday, the tournament is headquartered in the town’s Cedar Beach Overlook parking lot on the south side of Ocean Parkway. If you are not already registered, you can sign up in the lot (an RV will serve as tourney entry and weigh station) from 4 p.m. Friday, October 27 until 9 a.m. Saturday. The $15 entry fee includes lunch at the awards ceremony and a T-shirt. Fishing is from 5 p.m. Friday through 12 noon on Sunday, October 29.
Boundaries are Babylon Town beaches from Gilgo to Sore Thumb. An awards ceremony featuring lunch and a free raffle immediately follows the close of the tournament at the Overlook Beach pavilion. Throughout the tournament, 4-wheel drive access to the Babylon beaches will be open through the Overlook Beach parking lot for residents and non-residents. This is a striped bass and bluefish tournament with prizes for the top three fish in each category. There is also a prize for the largest, witnessed, released striped bass.
LIBBA members are invited to participate in a member only beach pool, with the largest fish entered winning the entire pool. Entry into the pool is $10, and can be done at the tournament weigh station at Overlook Beach. LIBBA and the All Island Surfcasters fishing club have already funded $200 towards the pool.
Not a member of LIBBA? You can join and enter the tournament at the weigh station (Overlook Beach parking lot), or go to Be sure to print your receipt with your paid membership information. In the past this tournament has had some wonderful fishing and great camaraderie on the beach. The Town of Babylon does a great job running this event. Come join the many surf casters who enjoy fishing these beaches.