Black Rose Fishing Charters Archives - The Fisherman

Black Rose Fishing Charters

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February 03, 2025 - 15:18:43

January 27, 2025 - 07:44:32

Captain Rich from Black Rose Fishing Charters is in full winter mode now. He was watching his shark and tuna videos and seeing a lot of winded people.  He will start haddock and porbeagle fishing in April.  This is the time everyone starts dreaming about getting the gear ready and the excitement level increases every day. Spring can’t come soon enough.

95 Central St
Brant Rock, MA 02020
phone: 508-269-1882

Black Rose Fishing Charters specializes in small private charters in the waters surrounding Cape Cod.  His main port is Bass River in South Yarmouth (220 South Street, South Yarmouth,MA). His season starts with the spring squid run and continues into the most amazing, famous PORGY FISHING the Cape Cod made famous.  This is the time to fill the freezer!  When the stripers arrive in May (with black sea bass), light tackle casting offers some of the best inshore fishing anywhere and this continues into fall.   He does not troll for stripers.  The fishery is so amazing that fishing light tackle is the best, most enjoyable way to go.  Bass River is blessed by being the most accessible launch to some of the best fluke fishing in the world.  This is the place to fish if you are interested in travelling far to the land of the giants of Nantucket Shoals or are simply interested in fishing for action, numbers and a short run with your family and friends. Fluke fishing will make you feel like a kid again!  Captain Rich has been targeting bluefin tuna "jigging and popping" for almost 20 years.  Additionally, he is rigged to troll for tuna as well as use live bait for those of you who are interested in targeting the giant tuna that are in our waters...A bio of Captain Rich Antonino wouldn't be complete  without mention of shark fishing.  The waters around Cape Cod are famous for their sharks...makos, porbeagles, blue sharks, threshers, sand tigers, dusky, sandbar, hammerhead, and whites....It all makes for a great memory!  Board the boat as a customer and leave as a friend.     Capt. Rich Antonino Black Rose Fishing Charters 508-269-1882