Viking Fleet Archives - The Fisherman

Viking Fleet

July 22, 2024 - 08:17:04

From the Viking Fleet of Montauk Capt. Carl reported a very quiet night on the full moon striped bass trip on the Viking Starship. They worked over a lot of local spots – some well-known and some of their secret ones, but did not find anything to work on. It was a beautiful night and they thank our passengers for being patient and understanding. The pool winner was William Marshall from Shelter Island, NY. Capt. JR also reported a decent day of Block Island angling aboard the Viking Starlite. The sea bass fishing was definitely good but the size of the fish required a heavy sort to get to the keepers. However, they definitely had an easy boat limit. Fluke fishing was also slightly off, but at the end of the day they finished up about on par with what they have been catching. The sea bass pool winner went to Ryder Sonday from Shenandoah Junction, WV with a 3.6-pound sea bass. The fluke pool winner went to Aidan Adomaites from Syosset, NY with a 5.2-pound fluke! Give them a call at (631) 668-5700 or reserve your spot at

July 15, 2024 - 10:00:58

From the Viking Fleet of Montauk Capt Mike reported once again they saw steady action all trip on the Viking Star. The sea bass and porgy bite was excellent. The fluke bite was a little slow, but there was a very hefty one in the bucket. Fun afternoon on the water! The pool winner was Ron Alma from Montauk, NY with a whopper 8 1/2-pound fluke. Captain Dave reported an excellent day of fishing on the Montauk Point for the Friday trip. The trip had a great start, fishing close to the lighthouse. The fishermen caught many porgies of all sizes, but most were jumbo. After the goldmine of porgies, the trip headed towards Block Island, where the crew picked through many sea bass. The crew also caught some fluke and mackerel near Block Island. The trip was filled with good fun and lots of action. The pool winner was Cecilia Samuels from New Jersey, with a 5-pound sea bass. The second pool winner was Ronald from Queens, NY, with a 2.8-pound porgy. Give them a call at (631) 668-5700 or reserve your spot at

462 West Lake Drive
Montauk, NY 11954
phone: 631-668-5700
fax: 631-668-5788

Capt. Paul G Forsberg’s Viking Fleet was founded by his father, Carl Forsberg in 1936 and originally resided in Freeport, New York. It wasn’t until 1951, when Paul was 12 years old, that the fleet and Forsberg clan relocated on Montauk. An ambitious young salt, Paul was already running his own 24 foot boat at this early age and worked in various commercial fisheries from 1951 to 1957. In 1957 Paul was 18 years old and firmed his maturation to adulthood by obtaining his 100 ton master captains license. Utilizing this credential, he operated his own charter boat till 1959 when he decided to become involved in the summer party boat fishing business. He maintained this role of party boat captain till 1991 and worked on commercial draggers during the winter. Today, the Viking Fleet is a year-round operation consisting of three party boats, one high speed ferry, one commercial fishing vessel, one cruise vessel and the newly launched Viking Fivestar. It is the largest, most diversified privately owned fishing fleet in the northeast.