The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) convene for a joint meeting this week in Annapolis, MD to discuss a number of fisheries management issues, with summer flounder (fluke) and black sea bass regulatory plans for 2018 expected to take up much of the week’s heaviest debate.
It’s been reported that the ASMFC and MAFMC will take action on an increase in the coastwide recreational quota for fluke from the 3.77 million pounds in 2017 to 4.4 million pounds in 2018. While recreational harvest surveys (Marine Recreational Information Program or MRIP) indicate that coastal harvest limits were not met in 2017, MAFMC and ASMFC could take a more conservative approach to harvest limits in 2018.
Recreational specifications for the 2018 season and review of conservation equivalency versus coastwide management measures will take place on Tuesday at 2:30 p.m.
As for black sea bass, despite the fact that spawning stock bass is said to be more than double the original target and not overfished, fishery managers are expected to push for a 15% reduction from the current 4.29-million pound recreational harvest limit to 3.66 million pounds in 2018, an action that would lead to another truncated sea bass season for coastal states already plagued by decreasing amounts of allowable fishing days.
While MRIP numbers are mostly complete for the coastwide fluke fishery, the final, sixth wave of data collection for the November and December sea bass fishery is still ongoing, and when combined with wave five (September and October) data it’s projected to put the recreational fishing sector over the 2017 annual catch limit.
The topic of black sea bass along the Atlantic Coast is slated to take up most of the day’s discussion on Wednesday, December 13, with recreational fishing specifications on the agenda from 9 a.m. until noon covering the Monitoring Committee and Advisory Panel recommendations, adoption of 2018 Federal waters management measures and the implementation plan for a potential wave one fishery in February. Coastal states are expected to be given an opportunity for a February 1-28 opening of black sea bass, if they agree to give up a portion of the spring fishery.
After a break for lunch on Wednesday, the black sea bass discussion will pick up again at 1 p.m. with further review of the wave one (February) fishery and draft alternatives, with final review initiation of a black sea bass amendment on the table from 2:30 until 3:30 p.m.
The December 11-14 meetings of ASMFC and MAFMC are being held at The Westin Annapolis, 100 Westgate Circle, Annapolis, MD (410-972-4300) and are open to the angling public.
To access the live webinar during the meeting, go to and select "enter as guest."
For additional questions contact Mary Sabo at or 302-518-1143.
Get the full agenda for the week of meetings.
Review briefing materials for the meeting.