ICAST ’22: The Fisherman’s “New Product Spotlight” - AFTCO Deck Boot & Barricade Top - The Fisherman

ICAST ’22: The Fisherman’s “New Product Spotlight” – AFTCO Deck Boot & Barricade Top

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A Southern California fishing tackle company, AFTCO made a huge splash on the Northeast grounds in 2022 with the launch of their new AFTCO Ankle Deck Boot, Women’s Reaper Softshell and Barricade Rain Suit Acid Camo Colorway, three New Product Showcase award winners at ICAST 2022 (four awards when you add in the AFTCO CocoBoardies Boardshorts for summer action!) The Fisherman’s Jim Hutchinson, Jr. had a chance to speak with AFTCO’s Matt Florentino on the floor of ICAST immediately following their win to look at a few of the AFTCO products geared towards the harsh conditions along the Atlantic Coast.